
Video Interview with NewRecordDay.com at RMAF14

When Ron Brenay of NewRecordDay.com visited our room at RMAF14 he discovered he really didn’t want to leave. Why? Because he was having such a good time listening to music on our system. He was sufficiently impressed that he asked if I’d do a video interview and although I’m camera shy to a fault I couldn’t turn Ron down. His enthusiasm for audio is too infectious to be denied.

After a long weekend of listening to as many rooms as he could manage, he came back to our room and declared our room his Best In Show. We heard that from a good number of people that weekend.

Here is Ron’s summary from his website followed by the video.

Room 1022 featured a passive front-end from Tortuga Audio called the LDRx. As LDR’s are becoming more and more popular, startup companies are jumping on the coat tails of guys like Morten Sissener. Meanwhile, he is busy leading the pack with his 3rd generation design, which addresses a number of past challenges that these light dependent resisitor networks have been plagued with. As described in this video, the LDRx has built in auto calibration that takes approximately 10 minutes keeping your gear in check and the music flowing with unrivaled purity. Bring Pete Gryzbowski into the mix, with his Triode Wire Labs cable loom and his new digital power cord, and we now how have a front-end prepared to sweep up the teeth from dropped jaws as they leave room. As I sat down and listening to “St. James Infirmary” played by Louis Armstrong, I literally couldn’t stop giggling and quite frankly didn’t care what scene I was creating as music caused me to swoon in ways only my lovely wife has been able to previously achieve. While most novices with half a decent set of ears would have attributed all this magic to the Volti Alura’s, my experience would have to argue and declare that while Greg Roberts has made some incredible speakers that speak straight to my soul, he couldn’t have reached it with such precision without the help of his friends. Well done gentlemen, can you please mail my teeth back now?

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