improved switch mode power supply

Power Supply Upgrade Improves LDRx Sound

improved switch mode power supply

All newly built Tortuga Audio LDRx preamps that ship on or after March 1, 2014 will incorporate an upgraded internal power supply design resulting in improved audio quality.

The improved sound quality manifests as a darker, quieter background between notes and a corresponding increased expression of detail. Since the LDRx sound is clear and detailed to begin with, this is quite  a remarkable evolution.

The upgrade replaces internal linear power regulation with a precision high performance switched mode power dc regulator. The net result is reduced ripple and an overall reduction in background noise. Even with the optical isolation inherent with LDRs, a reduction in power supply noise is beneficial.

This upgrade applies to all newly built LDR3 and the LDR6 Passive Preamps and will also be included in the new LDR3x.V2 Preamp Controller Board once it’s released in a few weeks.

Please note that we are not planning to offer this as a retrofit upgrade to current  owners at this time. Retrofitting existing boards with this improved power supply involves the desoldering and removal of one or more existing component(s) and soldering in the new power supply with the commensurate risk of damaging the existing board. 

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