LDR3x DIY preamp controller board

Tortuga Audio Releases LDR3x Preamp Controller Board for DIY Community (Aug 8th update)

As a follow-up to our original post below, we wanted to share some unsolicited feedback from a recent LDR3x customer.

Note that the LDR3x board is our second generation LDR preamp board design that builds on the success of the original LDR1/LDR6 passive preamps. A pair of LDR3x boards will be the twin beating hearts of our  upcoming LDR3B Balanced Passive Preamp product.

“Today I received the LDR3x board and I am FLOORED by the sound quality. I’ve been using a TVC [transformer volume control] for several years and was very happy, but the LDR simply blows it away. I am hearing detail I never knew existed in recordings I have listened to hundreds of time before. Bass is better, treble is clearer, etc….the sound is killer. I am retired and have been pursuing this hobby seriously for 40 years. The last 20 years of my career was as a music wholesale salesperson – I worked for Telarc for 7 years and then for an indie distributor where I sold several audiophile labels, so I have some serious experience listening. This volume control is fabulous.” – Glynn Wilson

[box]The following was originally posted on July 1, 2013[/box]


As a follow-up to our plans first reported on back in February, Tortuga Audio is pleased to announce the release of its LDR3x Preamp Controller Board.

The LDR3x allows the do-it-yourself (DIY) audiophile enthusiast to build their own exceptionally transparent and articulate audio preamplifer that rivals the performance of even the best high end preamps costing 10-100 times more than the LDR3x.

LDR3x DIY preamp controller board

By itself, LDR3x is an unrivaled passive preamp/controller including the ability to be controlled manually or via an infrared remote. Mated with a user provided buffer stage (with or without gain), the LDR3x enables the DIY’er to build a truly top notch active preamp.

Tortuga Audio is pleased to be an active participant in the DIY audiophile community and is an enthusiastic proponent of the do-it-yourself ethos.

More information on the LDR3x DIY Preamp Controller Board can be found here. 

Technology Evolution

The LDR3x utilizes digitally matched light dependent resistors (“LDR”) in lieu of conventional potentiometers or stepped resistive attenuators for volume control. All other functionality of the LDR3x, including control via an infrared remote,  is done via an on-board software driven microcontroller (microprocessor).
ldr6 passive preamp front view

The LDR3x is an evolutionary modular design built on the foundation of Tortuga Audio’s original LDR1/LDR6 Passive Preampflier product line.  Thus the LDR3x offers the same highly acclaimed audio performance that’s been reviewed by 6moons.com, hifipig.com and users alike.

Product Evolution

In addition to being offered for sale to the DIY audiophile community, the LDR3x will also serve as modular heart of Tortuga Audio’s future passive/active preamp product line including the upcoming LDR3B Passive Preamp which will accommodate balanced audio input and output signals.

Releasing the LDR3x Preamp Controller board is a key step in on the road to future release of the LDR3B Passive Preamp.

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