Tortuga Audio Passive Preamp recommended by

LDR6 Passive Preamp Review (and “Recommended” award) From HiFi Pig

Our First Product Review

We are quite pleased to announce  that our friends at  have published their review of our LDR6 Passive Preamplifier.

Even better, we’ve been awarded their “Recommended” status.

The award is given only to those products that we have reviewed and believe fulfill the following criteria: “A Hi-fi component that we feel offers exceptional performance at (or despite of) its price point”.

The folks at (Stuart “Stu” Smith & Rod Alexander) have been great to work with especially considering the trying circumstances which Rod Alexander highlights in his review.

There was a moment there after I suggested that Rod go ahead and order the part that was brutally sheared asunder by the US/UK postal services, get out his soldering iron, put it all back together and get on with the review, when I wondered… oh oh, here  it comes……”Great idea!”, says Rod and so it went. My favorite “can do” kind of people!

Here are some of the review highlights…

There is just a sense of absolutely everything having been stripped free of fuzz and imprecision. Instrumental placement isn’t approximate or inferred. Instead, instruments are precisely located at a fixed and exact distance from the others with the space between performers and the characteristics of the recording environment jaw-droppingly obvious.

… the LDR6 produces a sound completely free of colouration, with a soundstage that was just consistently deeper and better resolved than with any other passive pre-amp I have ever used.

…suitably matched, sonically, the LDR6 is an absolute gem. Jaw-droppingly transparent, with faultless microprocessor control, this pre-amp provides a level of transparency usually the domain of hair shirt enthusiasts, with the convenience of remote control.

It’s possibly the most transparent pre-amp I’ve yet used.

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